Application Of Large Deformation Analysis In Soil Mechanics ( CIVIL )


In soil mechanics, the material nonlinearity and itscomputer implementation in the finite element (FE) analysis have been treated in great efforts. However, significantly less effort has been spent on introducing the equally important concepts of finite strain/large deformation in soil mechanics, despite the fact that the effect of deformation upon the overall geometry of structures may not be ignored in many geotechnical engineering problems.

The application of large deformation analysis in two soil mechanics problems will be presented. One is a rigid footing penetrating into two-layered clay, and the other is a fully-bonded anchor lifted up in a homogeneous clay.
The load - displacement curves and the bearing or uplift capacity factors predicted by the large deformation analysis are given. The effect of large deformation is discussed based on comparing the small and large deformation analysis results. Unlike the small deformation analysis of cohesive soil, it is found that in large deformation analysis, the soil self-weight can have a significant effect on the load-displacement behaviour.. .